My full name is Winfried Edmund Stephan Maus and I was born in 1970. I am a native German and Europe is my home.
There are two things I am truly passionate about: Heavy Metal and writing, and you cannot choose either one of them – they choose you.
Writing has always been my true passion and my heart beats for the written word.
For public consumption, I blog and I occasionally post on Medium.
Professional IT
In my career, some of my job titles were Head of IT, Manager IT, Senior Consulting Engineer, Software Developer and Technical Writer.
I understand how things work in complex, distributed systems. I can write code. I can document, write and teach.
I happen to know a thing or two about getting complex IT projects done – either with a team, leading a team or – in true Sigma male fashion – as a one man army all on my own.
I love building IT infrastructures from scratch:
You can drop me by parachute over the Siberian Tundra, and when you come back a month later, I would have built a data center using the scrap metal I found on the ground.
360° Communication
I can translate C-level visions into budgets and projects and customer requirements into working implementations – and I can translate tech talk and jargon into language that non-technical people can understand.
Platform Development, Integration and Automation
I understand complex IT systems, their architecture, and how their components communicate.
During my time working in commercial satellite communications, I have repeatedly proven that I can build custom solutions that enable otherwise incompatible systems to communicate with each other.
Network Weather Maps, Monitoring, Alerting and Automation, including triggering scripts for self-healing actions, have been my bread & butter for over a decade.
I am available for employment. My contact information is on the Imprint page.