You don’t choose writing and Heavy Metal – they choose you.
Writing has always been my true passion and my heart beats for the written word.
I publish some of my writing on Medium.
Current book project
Sigma Male Perspectives.
Although it represents less than 1% of the male population, the Sigma personality archetype has become quite popular in recent years and the Internet is full of romantic nonsense and false clichés about it. The web is also filled with comments from people who believe they are Sigmas or for very wrong reasons wish to be or become one (to the point that they are faking certain Ʃ behavior patterns), but obviously they do not know anything about the involved growing pains and costs. I might bring unpopular news, but being a Ʃ is not a way of life that you can freely choose: Either you are born as one or you are not.
Based upon the hierarchical structure of a wolf pack, the Sigma archetype does not yet have an official scientific definition or even backing. Sigmas are basically Alphas without their obnoxious noise or their need for the spotlight. Unlike Alphas, Sigmas prefer to walk alone, question societal structures and norms and do not require external validation to know who they are or what they want. While assertive and strong-willed and highly disciplined, Sigmas do not seek dominance and leadership roles at all costs, as Alphas do.
It took me 53 years to figure out that there was a label for my personality and that, indeed, I am a Sigma male – which describes me better than anything science has to offer.
As far as psychology and official science are concerned, I have the Myers-Briggs INFJ personality archetype (INtroverted, Feeling, Judging), which is the rarest archetype among males. There are almost twice as many females with that archetype, but even among females it still is the rarest personality archetype. It appears that most male Sigmas are INTJs (Introverted, Thinking, Judging) who are much less emotionally driven or influenced, which means that even among the already rare Sigma archetype I fall into the rarest subtype.
In this book I try to give an insight into how the so-called “Ʃ grindset” – our constant desire for self-improvement and personal growth – drives us, how we incessantly observe and analyze ourselves, how important respect is for us and how little we care for societal norms, status and titles or what others think about us, how much we require isolation and alone time to stay mentally sane and to survive, how we think and how we see and experience the world and how our deep level of empathy affects our emotions and our interactions with other people.
This is the first book that I am writing in English instead of my native language German. The current draft already has several hundred very unsorted pages and is still growing in size, but not yet in clear structure. So it’s very much work in progress and it might be a while before you can download it from the Kindle store where I intend to publish it.
Older released works
The following very old books of mine (you could call them “the sins of my youth”) are all in my native language German. I’m sorry, but a this point there are no translations to other languages available.
- Der Flug des Phönix
- Heavy Metal
- Night Wind Sent
- Zornkind
My first book, Zornkind, was named after the Iron Maiden song Wrathchild from the 1981 Killers album – the very first Maiden album that I owned, and I got it in that year. The opening lines of the lyrics of that song reflect my own biography and youth perfectly:
I was born into a scene
Of angriness and greed
Dominance and persecution
My mother was a queen
My dad I’ve never seen
I was never meant to be
I’m a Wrathchild
Hibernating projects
Endnacht has been in passive mode for ages now. It’s not dead, though. Only the zombies in the story are.
Germania also has not progressed in ages, even though I have a plot outline for the story in my mind and vast amounts of historical material to draw from and build upon.
There is also a very old fantasy novel project of mine floating down the mythical river Styx while I’m writing this: Der Staub der Zeit. I still remember the nomads, though, and Former entering the village Tranti.
Older unpublished work
Interaktive Fiktion in Turbo Pascal. (“Interactive Fiction in Turbo Pascal.”) A book on parser/text adventure programming that I wrote in the year I finished Gymnasium/High School – somewhere around 1989/1990.
Back then, there was no Internet and I couldn’t find a publisher who was interested in the (finished) manuscript. Nowadays that book wouldn’t find an audience simply because except for a few die hard enthusiasts, nobody plays or writes text adventure games anymore. Which hurts a little – a huge amount of time from my teenage years went into the software behind the book and my parser could understand rather complex sentences in natural language, both in German and English.
For that manuscript, I had even fully ported the original Turbo Basic version of the parser to Object Pascal, because back then I believed that Pascal would be a more professional language than Turbo Basic (which later became PowerBasic) and using Pascal instead of Basic would do the book some favors. You need to keep in mind that at that time Pascal was the lingua franca at universities – Java and Python had not been invented yet, and even C++ was still at least a decade away from becoming more popular than C.
I do not use DRM for my Kindle publications, thus you can easily copy those books to any device or reader as you like. However, it would be nice of you to ask your friends to buy their own copies from the Kindle store instead of just freeloading a copy from somewhere.
You can search on Amazon for my name by clicking on this link, it should then find my eBooks.