
(Bubo scandiacus. Picture taken at the Adler- und Wolfspark Kasselburg, Germany.)

Imprint / Contact Info

Since I am not selling anything here and this site is not commercial, German laws allow me not to publish my full address here.

Provided that my mail server does not filter you out, you can reach me via eMail:

Privacy statement

This is a personal website. I am not interested in your data, I do not collect your data and I also do not sell or use your data in any way. I do not use Google Analytics or anything else like that to track you in any way.

Because of the German DSGVO and the European GDPR, I even removed the option to post comments on this website – so even if you wanted to, you couldn’t leave any of your data or personal information here for me to harvest and analyze.

This webpage uses WordPress with several plugins. I have not bothered to read their respective source codes, so I do not know – and I also do not care – if WordPress and its plugins are throwing a cookie party or go all Shakespeare with JavaScript. For me, those are merely tools that serve a purpose. If you don’t agree with my choice of tools, feel free to move on, there’s nothing for you here then.

If you follow a link to an external webpage like e.g. Amazon, Linkedin, Medium, X or YouTube, things are out of my hands and their respective rules and policies will apply.